Our Capabilities
Dispositive Motions and Appeals
We write well. Glazier Yee attorneys are adept at legal research and analysis and succinctly presenting the application of that analysis to the facts of any case in an engaging and persuasive winning brief. We find ways to make judges and their clerks enjoy reaching the result we advance. We set ourselves apart from other firms with the quality of our legal writing, and we take pride in that ability.
We insist on early development of our written work product to ensure appropriate internal review and effective client collaboration. In multi-party litigation, we take lead on all crucial motion and appellate work. Because of our reputation for excellence in this area, co-parties always agree.
Over the last twenty-five years, Glazier Yee has won countless dispositive motions, whether by summary judgment or threshold jurisdictional challenges, effectively extricating our clients from dozens of cases before trial. Following the tiny fraction of our substantive challenges that do not result in pretrial dismissal, we ultimately prevail at trial or on appeal . . . every time.